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Legit Crustacean Minutes

The time of night when the less dominant niggas go out to scavange through the debris to find food (the prefered food is chicken). This is betweem 3:30AM to 4:00AM. After the real niggas have transformed back from being isopods which was during real isopod hours.

Hey John when is legit crustacean minutes?
Its thirty minutes after real isopod hours.

by CarlAzuzV.2 February 8, 2018


The fear and hostility towards Statues. Usually the result of a mental disorder or brainwashing and sufferes may have issues with knowing what period of time they are in. This phobia was just born after the uprising of President Donald Trump.

"I feel sorry for that liberal over there, he has Statuephobia ." Friend, "Yea that must suck."

by CarlAzuzV.2 September 3, 2017


A man or a woman that doesn't believe in God and is not coherent to any religion . Love to yell at religious people becaise of how fucking retarded they are. Known to be the smartest people in the worlx

Person 1 "hey why is that guy a Athiest?"
Person 2 "because he was raised right lad"

by CarlAzuzV.2 September 3, 2017

2👍 3👎