Source Code


Contraction of "Jewish Retard".

Jewish + Retard = Jewtard.

Ayan: Hey, I just need one more penny. Care to spare yours?
Noah: I'm sorry, but I need it! I'm saving for a rainy day!
Ayan: Ughh... Jewtard.

by Carlos Astudillo January 31, 2005

152👍 42👎

shit battery

When everything has gone wrong, or when you're in a shitty situation or place.

We have a test tomorrow? Shit battery!

by Carlos Astudillo January 31, 2005

7👍 14👎


Does It Look Like I Give A Fuck

Said with eyebrow raised.

Your mother has cancer? Aww... DILLIGAF.

by Carlos Astudillo January 31, 2005

32👍 45👎