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Maryam is a loli bear who noms mostly anything that is edable, if you touch her you will aither go to horny-jail or straight to loli-jail, unfortunately there are no lolis in loli-jail...

She cute af tho and will make u smile with her loli voice and loli personality.

WATCH OUT! Maryam loli bear will nom your arm if u not careful homie! U edible bro so she migth nom.

by Casi 7.62 September 3, 2020


Casi is a Norwegian JSDF Arma 3 unit member who is an amazing artist and great with digital logos.

He used to be Captain for the unit until he left for a year. When he rejoined, he was shot dead on the spot and ressurected as a Private.

And he is a male.

Casi was shot at by Tealpo, fortunately the bullet hit his fake eye and the bullet did a 180 and hit Tealpo. It was a lethal shot.

by Casi 7.62 June 5, 2018