Source Code


"Potential Hook Up". Used in reference to a person who may be interested in hooking up with you or someone you know. There is much uncertainty when it comes to deciding whether someone may be a PHU, but clues include: level of flirting between the two, phone/text conversations and interest shown through facebook activity such as wall posts or excessive commenting on one's pics. PHU's may also be a more short-term and random occurrence, stemming from consumption of intoxicants at social events.

"I've been texting him all week and he 'liked' at least 5 of my profile pics. What do you think?"
"I think he's a PHU. Good luck."

"We're going to leave the party now"
"Okay, you guys go. Based on Pat and I's interaction as pong partners, I think he's a PHU."
"If that PHU were to happen, it would be so GFC"
"Yeah I know, he's such a GC"

by Cat Baker July 22, 2009

98๐Ÿ‘ 31๐Ÿ‘Ž


An abbreviation for "good character(s)". It refers to a person or persons who is/are extremely interesting. Good characters do not always have to be your friend; as a matter of fact, they are often seen as complete jokes to you and your friends. GC's are usually invited to parties to enhance the quality of the pictures that will be taken and uploaded to facebook.

"Is Eric coming to the party this afternoon? He's such a GC"

"I went to the Berkshire Apartments and hung out with some GC's. I can't wait to show you the pics"

"Joe got his certification as a reverend over the internet. He drinks whiskey every day and believes he's fighting for the Confederacy in the Civil War. GC!"

by Cat Baker May 4, 2009

231๐Ÿ‘ 179๐Ÿ‘Ž


Meaning "so drunk", SD is used when one is incapable of forming actual words due to their severe level of intoxication. It is also perfect for college dorm white boards, when you want your friends to know how drunk you are but would prefer if your RA did not.

"Hey, are you okay?"
"(slurred) SD!"

"I was so SD Friday night after the Mexican restaurant that I sullied my pants"

by Cat Baker May 4, 2009

206๐Ÿ‘ 168๐Ÿ‘Ž


"Take pics on my cam(era)" Command. Used when someone gives you their camera because they are busy or too drunk to take pictures for Facebook.

"I'm going to go play beer pong. TPOMC"

"I'll be right back, I have to go throw up. TPOMC"

by Cat Baker May 4, 2009

87๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


"So high". The abbreviation is useful when one is in public places and wants to tell their friends about their level of intoxication, but would prefer if strangers and/or authority figures did not know. Extra S's before the H indicate that one is higher than usual.

"Hey Ariel, your eyes are kind of bloodshot"
"I'm SH".

"Let's get SH and watch Across the Universe. Good party!"

by Cat Baker May 4, 2009

232๐Ÿ‘ 234๐Ÿ‘Ž


Meaning "bad for pics" (antonym: GFP good for pics), the term refers to any person, place, object, or activity that would diminish from the quality of the pics that appear in a Facebook album. Parents in party pics or daytime consumption of alcohol would all be considered BFP. Also, certain characters that are notoriously unpopular or disliked would be BFP.

"Rebecca and Sam are coming to the party tonight. They're BFP. I'll edit those girls out of the pics."
"Her parents bought them alcohol after prom and then they appeared in the Facebook album watching everyone drink. That's so BFP"

by Cat Baker January 22, 2009

128๐Ÿ‘ 67๐Ÿ‘Ž


"Bad for Chart". Refers to the poor quality of an addition made to one's hook up chart. A hook up chart is a web connecting all the people one knows that have hooked up with each other. Attractive people or hilarious characters would be good for the chart (GFC), and the ugly and unpopular would be bad for the chart (BFC).

"I went to the Mexican restaurant last night an hooked up with an unknown middle aged man. I think that's BFC. Let's not discuss"

"I can't believe those two hooked up. It was so BFC that I'm going to pretend it never happened and it will not be put on the chart"

by Cat Baker July 8, 2009

57๐Ÿ‘ 46๐Ÿ‘Ž