Someone who owns, works for, or sits on the fck&(*ng board of directors of a major corporation who's main goal is to suck the life out of the economy, you, your wallet, your time and your talent. Examples of Corporate Whores: Starbucks, liz who works at Starbucks, all who sell themselves without any thoughts of self-respect or decency.
"I'll take a double macchiato you Corporate Whore" "ME?!?! You're paying for the damn thing you Corporate TRICK!"
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A play on the term Porta-Potty. We all like to have things we need and enjoy wherever we go, sooooo a Porta-Hotty is an incredibly realistic and HOT blow up doll (male or female...yes, I'm a fagalong) This "doll" would have "hot" parts such as mouth, penis, vaginer and asshole (warmers inside them)So that they would not only be hot in the superficial sense but also in the practical sense. The Porta-Hotty can suck peenus better than the average living person. I know you may never have seen a Porta-Hotty, but watch they'll be all the rage within months of this post.
Driver: what's the matter Homer?
Homer: I gotta boner ready to bust at the backveinseam!
Driver: Oh, don't worry, reach into the blue box in the back and pull out my Porta-Hotty. You'll have to blow her before she blows you"
minutes later...
Homer: omfg she's HAWT, where can I get a porta-hotty?"
Driver: "Lots of places, I got mine at K-Ymart."
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The sound your grandma (and other old people or people with deviated septums)make when they laugh. A combination of a snarl and laugh and snort. You know it when you hear it.
Grandma: omg, that's so funny, *snarf*
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adj; a word used to describe a person, place or thing that sucks to such an extent that it warrants the addition of tacular. A word made from a combination of sucks and spectacular. Something or someone that is spectacularily sucking.
Mona: "Patty look at the dress my mother just bought me."
Patty: "omg, flowers and balloons? and what's with the plaid and polka dot mix?"
Mona: "I don't know, you know my mom, she loves a little vodka with her cornflakes every morning."
Patty: "Well no offense to your wino mom Mona, but that dress is sucktacular."
Mona: "Don't talk about my mom that way you dirty whore"
Patty: "ok"
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noun; people who say fake cuss words like troutturd instead of bassturd, ashhole instead of asshold, frog or froggin instead of fuck or fucking, somehow trying to imply that they are holier than the person who uses real cuss words. when in actuality they will burn in hell with the rest of us authentic cussers and are only fooling themselves. froggin troutturds they're all ashholes if you ass me.
I'm so sick of all the hypercritters who can't get honest about their potty mouths like the rest of us.
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n; a person who's a cross between a Starbucks addict and a fucker. Sometimes a Starbucks addict becomes a fucker only after 2-3 double shot macchiatos, but they're still a Starbucker.
husband; honey, can't we just wait until we get to the next town to get you your third refill from Starbucks.
wife; fuck you...get me to a Starbucks Now!!
husband; you can be a real starbucker sometimes, you know that!?!?
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When a vehicle has at least one unmatching rim, usually caused by crackheads stealing and scrapping aluminum.
"That s.o.b. rimwrecked my car!"
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