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A strange dialect of Yiddish where they say "oy" instead of "ay" (but spell it "eu"), "au" instead of "oy", and the grammar is needlessly complicated, although less so in the actual spoken language than in the written form.

In German people don't use "sich" for all persons which is very odd, although this also occurs in Williamsburg Yiddish, so I suppose it's legitimate enough.

by Catty McGee December 4, 2020

2πŸ‘ 131πŸ‘Ž

breast mints

Slang for spironolactone, a medicine given to trans women to decrease testosterone and usually coated with a minty flavor to mask its taste. Parallel to titty skittles, slang for estradiol.

Titty skittles and breast mints are what all trans girls are made of.

by Catty McGee May 21, 2017

25πŸ‘ 166πŸ‘Ž

Court Jew

1. Historically, a Jew hired by European royalty and nobility to do their dirty work in exchange for social privileges. When the people would become discontent, the Court Jew would be blamed for the problems of the monarchy, and by extension, the Jewish people as a whole would be blamed and thrown to the wolves so that the royalty could live to oppress its subjects another day.

2. In modern terms, a Jew who similarly collaborates with the socioeconomic elite in hopes of gaining special privileges, who is ultimately used as a scapegoat whenever things start going wrong.

Ben Shapiro is a good Court Jew.

by Catty McGee October 24, 2018

11πŸ‘ 171πŸ‘Ž


A person who is offended by trivial things such as flag burning or a person taking a knee for the national anthem.

The right is full of hypersensitive snowflakes.

by Catty McGee September 25, 2017

48πŸ‘ 197πŸ‘Ž


The most powerful minority in the United States. Loves to complain about how relatively powerless minorities are too powerful.

The majority of Americans do not want Republicans to control the White House or Congress.

by Catty McGee September 4, 2017

284πŸ‘ 412πŸ‘Ž


Literally "Jew hate." An outdated German term that was replaced by Antisemitismus in the 19th century, leading to the English word "antisemitism." The point of the word "antisemitism" was to make hatred of Jews seem rational by giving it a Latin-sounding name.

Judenhass has been out of style for over 100 years now, but hatred of Jews continues.

by Catty McGee September 30, 2018

12πŸ‘ 138πŸ‘Ž


Bannondong is an impotent dong who seeks to rule the world by acquiring all of the dongs. He already has his own dong and the dong of Geert Wilders and is closing in on the dong of Marine LaPenne. It is said that his motives are pure dongs; he simply wants to dong the dong of dongs on every dongday.

The name of this king of dongs is Bannondong Dongmire, but he is known by his alias, Dongydongdong.

by Catty McGee August 9, 2019

3πŸ‘ 132πŸ‘Ž