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A David is a person of low intellect only slightly more intelligent than a brun. David is derived from the mediaeval word day-div. It was used to describe the dumbasses in mediaeval England as they were only permitted out by day. there's a Welsh pronunciation of the word which is pronounced Daffyd. David's believe that alcohol can cure all ailments known to man and some unknown ones. Their favourite food is Turkey dripping which is made buy distilling sweat from Bernard Matthews asscrack. if you come across a David on a extremely hot day it is wise to keep your distance as they are known to spontaneously combust as they are 99.9% alcohol .1% potash

David's been on the piss all day don't go near him he might explode

by Catweazle 0.1 May 15, 2019

1👍 1👎


Quigley is the term used describe a man who gets in to relationships with single mums so they can have access to their young children. bringing them up as their own then just before a 16th birthday sleeps with them. quigley's are also very family orientated but only with their own family thankfully as they would not look out of place in the wrong turn movies. The word Quigley is a ancient word derived from the word Quim & was first used in Greek mythology to describe the female reproductive organ .quigley's also have an unhealthy obsession with dairylea triangles they like to keep them under their foreskin as they believe the advert of the early 90s which used to say kids will do anything for dairylea

John you're one ugly cunt how have you managed to Quigley so many single mums on are housing estate ..John...dairylea my friend dairylea

by Catweazle 0.1 April 26, 2019

3👍 9👎