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Bricky Boi

A damn Thicc Boi with immense powers never see before.
They are also extremely sexy to the point where just by looking at them will make you lose your virginity.
There have only been 6 recorded Bricky Boi's in history.
1)Alex Jones
2)Simon cowell
5)Nick Frost
6)Serj Tankian

Guy 1: Its no use were all doomed

Guy 2: wait no here comes a Bricky Boi
(as a Bricky Boi flies in from the clouds and destroys earth with his Thicc Boimageddon, destroying earth making sure no one will ever die again)

They can also create marble statues of Stalin from their bare hands.

by Cautous (cautious was taken) October 2, 2018

3👍 1👎

What the fuck

Did you just say about me you little bitch

No what the fuck did you just do here, piss off

by Cautous (cautious was taken) November 7, 2018