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Rory is someone who will make promises to his friends even though he has no intention of keeping said promises. His friends end up learning this the hard way and eventually they lose all the respect they once had for him.

Rory only cares about himself and thus, behaves accordingly. Given the opportunity to better his own situation, Rory will sell even his closest friends up the river. Then, adding insult to injury, Rory will act as if those same friends were the ones who wronged him.

As a friend, Rory is the biggest let-down a guy could ever know.


"Hey Rory, you know that supportive friendship you kindly offered me? Well, I'm really needing it now."


"Yeah, I was only just saying that. I didn't really mean it though. I got better things to do with my time. You're on your own."

by Caylio March 18, 2010

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