Lack of belief of a diety or the supernatural.
Now I am a Christian, and I have faith in God. Im also a microbioligst and I fully embrace science just as well as I embrace the bible. I do not think I am better then anyone, I will not tell you your going to hell, I live as Christ did. People choose to love God because they believe God loves them as well, not because they are afraid of eternal damnation or at least thats not the reason I believe. I never understood why athiests make science to be the ever present enemy of God and religion. If God made the world and the laws of nature that govern it that would make him the greatest scientist ever known now wouldnt it? To use laws of the natural to try and discredit something that is supernatural would be considered futile. If God is a mere fairy tale then may I ask you why the account of genesis is the only religous text that has been under extreme scientific scrutiny? It it is a fallacy why would we bother?
As a scientist I would like to point out that under careful examination science is not the enemy of God but rather his ultimate complement. Maybe when some of you get older like me youl understand just how amzing the universe is. As far as proof goes I would like to point out that technicly it is impossible to prove anything exists including yourself. Its true, just study qauntum mechanics all things visible and invisible is a pure wave of condensed and uncondensed energy. When we observe energy such as light photons for example we cannot see what they consist of its just...there, wich would mean that light is uncreated and if light is uncreated then it would violate the law of cause and effect right? It does, but do we look at a lamp and and say to ourselves the light shining through it isnt real?
No ofcourse not. The origins of our universe do not infinitley traverse back in time everyone, eventually there was a beginning correct the big bang/God so if the universe was brought into existence by those to hypothesis' then that would mark the beginning of time itself thus bieng outside of time. So whether you believe in God or not in order for our universe to have existed there must have been another universe where our laws do not apply. Therefore sometimes the only thing that is logical is the illogical.
good day.
Even atheism needs to be open to the possibity of theism.
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