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jam session

This means when a whole bunch of musicians get together play some chords for about a minute saying random lyrics and then go on playing for 19 more minutes.

Phish has super long jam sessions.

Dude Bill and I had a 35 minute jam session last night.

by ChRiS February 7, 2005

211πŸ‘ 76πŸ‘Ž


referring to Matt Gibbs' five year old back pack

it says backpack-o-matt

by ChRiS February 12, 2005

3πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Mega Sucks

something that sucks really bad

that band mega sucks...

by ChRiS November 1, 2004

21πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

aggro-core pissed

Agressively Hardcore Pissed Off, Meaning one is so pissed that they are very agressive and has a very low temper.

I'm Aggro-core Pissed off

by ChRiS May 20, 2006

14πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

aggrocore pissed

Short for Aggressively Hardcore Pissed, when one gets so angry they are very aggressive, and have no remorse for thier actions, and having a very low temper to follow it.

Man, That guy is aggrocore pissed! I better not mess with him.

by ChRiS July 8, 2006

6πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


1. An explanation of the things we don't understand.
2. A reason to exist. There is no reason for us being here, so we have created our own. God.
3. A controlling agent. Kids be good, or santa won't give you presents. Its the same thing. People behave, or you'll go to hell!
4. Fear of death. Everything suggests that death is the end. Its ludicrous to suppose there is some sort of spiritual afterlife. We all know we will die eventually; and we don't like it. So we deny it..fabricating a fantastic fairytale to convince ourselves that there is no such thing as death. Well its a load of bollocks - remember the Romans worshipped every new planet they saw...the Egyptians worshipped the sun..for as long as man has been around, so has his need to worship something. Its an expression of our insecurity and it will last as long as fear itself

You can't insure your life on a figament of man's collective imagination. Remember once, we all believe the earth was flat, and mental problems were the work of demons

by ChRiS December 13, 2003

44πŸ‘ 46πŸ‘Ž


n. - A woman who, by way of an eating disorder and coma, brings attention to herself and her family.

adj. - Characterized by the look of either a mentally retarded individual or one in the vegetable state.

v. - To assume the look of either a mentally retarded individual or one in the vegetable state.

"Hey, look at the TV, it seems we have another Schiavo on our hands."

"Haha, check out this bum, he looks so Schiavo."

"OK everybody Schiavo on three, this is gonna be hilarious!"

by ChRiS April 10, 2005

37πŸ‘ 36πŸ‘Ž