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tard moment

Caution: May be offensive to some

short for retard moment

1. Describes a moment when you are trying to solve a problem, and are wracking your brain and when you find how simple the answer is, you marvel at your own stupidity
2. When you are talking and totally forget what you are talking about

Person 1: Yeah and then I went to....*blanks out*
Person 2: What happened?
Person 1: I totally forgot what I was saying, tard moment #1.
Person 2: ha ha ha

by Chairman July 2, 2004

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candy machine

An older term for the flashing lights on police car. Named because lights resemble an old-time candy machine.

Better pull over, I see the candy machine in the rear view mirror.

by Chairman July 1, 2004

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Manhattan Project

A U.S. Agency that was responsible for making Atomic Bombs during World War Two.

J. Robert Oppenheimer and Albert Einstein were working for the Manhattan Project.

by Chairman November 6, 2003

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Swindle sheets

Trucker's slang for the log books they are usually required to take along on their trips. Some truckers hate taking these along, because they have to document all sorts of information that may affect how much money they make.

"...We tore up all a our swindle sheets an' left 'em settin' on the scales..."

by Chairman May 3, 2005

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The toughest stell chair wielding sob ever to walk the earth

The ChairMan opened up a can o'whoopass on him.

by Chairman April 12, 2003

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