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exam stress

The state of perpetual tension (both mental and physical) that occurs right before, and during exam week. It results in students exhibiting strange behaviours or actions.

It can be classified as, the realisation that procrastination and masturbation have ruined your academic life.

Due to exam stress, individuals are allowed to get a away with things they otherwise wouldn't, as long as they say "sorry, it's exam stress".

Student 1: Shit! Shit! Shit! my exam is tomorrow, I'm not ready!
Student 2: LOL, I finished mine two days ago!

*Student 1 develops insomnia and proceeds to burn down the library.*

Policeman: Why did you do such a heinous deed?
Student 1: Exam stress, sir!
Policeman: Oh, that's fine then. Here's $20 for your troubles.

by ChalaBoy7 December 11, 2013

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