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Badyl is a medicine usually used to cure pain, but really It can be used for anything, and it is snort safe. Some side effects may include: pain, nausea, liver failure, cancer, depression, diarrhea, and death. Badyl is safe for all ages, even fetuses!

Person 1: Dude, I can't sleep

Person 2: Why, Dude?

Person 1: Dude, last night I totally killed my family, dude I feel so guilty
Person 2: Dude, common just take some Badyl!

Person 1: I already feel better!

by CharleyFlowea March 16, 2021


A local is somebody who is just basic. They like all the generic mainstream artists and don't have their own sense of style or taste; they just like everything based on what is popular. They usually have crushes on generic hot boys/girls that everyone knows is conventionally attractive but not actually attractive. Some locals claim to be fans of different celebrities but only like the celebrity for their looks and haven't heard their sounds/ seen their movies.

They also think they're quirky for liking 'unique' things when really everyone else also likes those things.

- Ugh, my school is full of locals, I wish someone around here was different.

Locals: What do you guys mean? LOL XD

by CharleyFlowea May 23, 2020

37👍 8👎


Blair is God's gift to the universe. If you know someone named Blair you definitely know they are out-going, beautiful, funny, and lights up the room. A Blair will be upset when she is misunderstood, so you should always let her speak her mind. She has lots of friends and lots of crushes. A Blair is just amazing! ( And often have brown hair)

Wow, she's so outgoing,
Must be a Blair!

by CharleyFlowea October 16, 2018