Source Code

no gay way

Exclamation used in gaming which expresses disbelief in what has just happened, that only in a world where everything is indeed, as Kurt Cobain once said, gay, could what has just happened actually happen.

Mahahaha, pwnt!
No gay way!

by Charlie Bravo March 18, 2008

1πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


Status of one who has pwnt. Domination of another.

He was 3 and 25 earlier, but now he's 84 and 12 -- total pwnrship.

by Charlie Bravo March 18, 2008

4πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


The opposite of no worries.

A retort used to impose a reality check on an idiot -- Australian or otherwise -- who attempts to dismiss a worrisome situation with their inappropriately optimistic bullshit.

Non-Australian: This software is buggy.
Australian: No worries, mate!
Non-Australian: Worries, mate. Worries.
Australian: No worries.
Non-Australian: STFU, you don't have to support it! Worries, I tell you! Worries!

by Charlie Bravo March 18, 2008

78πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž


"Mixed-UP martial arts".

A style of combative sport which erroneously uses the term "martial" to describe the convolution of poorly-executed wrestling, boxing, and judo techniques commonly used.

Those guys look like like they are wrestle-boxing, and badly! It must be MMA.

by Charlie Bravo March 23, 2008

121πŸ‘ 185πŸ‘Ž



Exclamation of pleasure after acquiring pwnrship of others, usually in FPS gaming.

DEAD PLAYER: No gay way!
YOU: Mahahaha! Hook, line, and sinker!

by Charlie Bravo March 18, 2008

8πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž


1. A guy who likes anything related to sports.

2. A guy who likes watching sports on tv.

3. A guy who likes it in the ass while watching sports on tv.

4. A type of bar where guys who like it in the ass while watching sports on tv get so drunk they can't remember anything then go to each other's houses and give it to each other in the ass while watching sports on tv, then pretend nothing happened each night and do it over and over again.

I went into this sporty-boy bar and they all looked at my ass like they wanted to slap it and say "good game" or maybe something more...suggestive.

by Charlie Bravo March 26, 2008

11πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


fag + luggage

The faggoty luggage with the little wheels and the little faggoty handle that pathetic fucking faggots and fat lazy dipshits wheel around the airport, taking up more space than their fat asses while they lumber down the concourse, or slow the embarking or 'deplaning' of an economy flight with the legion of old idiots who take 10 minutes each to walk down the goddamn ramp and thru the aisles and then an additional 5 minutes to get their flabby, atrophied muscles to lift their queer little suitcase-on-wheels-with-a-handle into the overhead compartment (because they don't fit under the seat in front, plus they need all that room for their fat fucking feet), all because they are too goddamn lazy to pick up a suitcase or backpack and fucking CARRY IT.

To friend on cell phone: "These 2 docker-clad pole-smokers are in my way, towing their little faggage along behind them, TAKING UP ALL THE GODDAMN SPACE ON THE MOTHERFUCKING WALKWAY WHILE PEOPLE ARE TRYING TO GET TO THEIR COCKSUCKING GATES. YOU NUTGOBBLING ASSCLOWNS!"

by Charlie Bravo August 21, 2008

10πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž