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someone you'd like to get your paws all over, one who is fit

Seen that Pussycat Dolls vid?

Yeah, dude, PAWSOME

by Cheryl Lee October 25, 2005

13👍 56👎


One who emits a revolting bodily stench. A soap dodger. A shower opponent.

God, I got trapped in a lift with a right stinkachu this morning. Smelt like a tramp's mate.

by Cheryl Lee October 25, 2005

6👍 2👎


One who imbibes, or has imbibed, an excess of booze. A pisspot.

A: Met the new Science guy?
B: Jeez man, he said hello to me this morning, stank like a fucking brewery. Right drinkachu, that one.

by Cheryl Lee October 25, 2005

5👍 1👎

drinkachu stinkachu

One who imbibes an excess of alcohol and in doing so, conveniently (though not for those around him/her) "forgets" to perform ablutions familiar to those who refrain from pisspottery.

"Look at him - he's off his face"
"Christ - he was next to me at the bar earlier and he proper stank"
"what a drinkachu stinkachu"

by Cheryl Lee October 25, 2005

1👍 7👎