The origins or namesake of a meme. Namesake is generally what something is named after. Aka the origin of the name is the namesake. In the same way memesake is a craze, reference or meme based on a an image, video or event. This event would be the memesake or the origin of the meme.
That cat has enough character expressions to become a memesake.
The memesake for that isâ¦
A form of Nervous or excited laughter. Namely the sound you make when something surprises, excites or alarms you. A kind of Hoh hoh sound.
I was enjoying filming the wind & rain getting heavier and suddenly there was an almighty flash. And I started Ho Ho-ing.
A chal or some or several chals are a female friend to a male but not good friends or a best friend. But rather a pal who is female. This is because females are sometimes referred to as chicks. So a female pal is a chick who is a pal which is a Chal.
Are the any chals in chat today?
I have many friends including my mates and my chals.
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