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American Dream

a) The greatest luxury RV of all time. Real marble counters and a vibrating bed for the best sex EVER!!!!!!!!!!

b) When a man can be a man, a women can be a women, and a man can be a women with a fake vagina.

c) Fast food, lots of sex, tattoos, buying food stamps off homeless people for 50 bucks, and SNAKES ON A PLANE.

d) Being able to pay a hooker in McBucks.

e) When it is okay to masturbate to "A Christmas Story".

f) All of the above, plus Santa Claus.

Man 1: I'm living the American dream.
Man 2: If you have a fake vagina please don't tell me!!!
Man2 shoots Man1, takes his money, fucks his wife, and buys a pizza.

by Chewbacca Committee August 21, 2006

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