A pucker phucker is someone who takes it in any hole that pucker. Whether it be your lips puckering, your pussy lips puckering, or your asshole puckering, EVERY HOLE IS GOAL.
In a sexual voice..... this puckering hole is your goal, you pucker phucker.
a person who owns the nipple slippage of their own titties usually done unknowingly but when realized they don't give a fuuuuuuuuuuhhhhck! You own that nip slip.
Hey, don't be ashamed to be a nip slipper, own that shit!!
Coke Bottle Dick is when a guys dick is the same width, Length and shape of a 20oz coca cola bottle.
I cant wait to see my boyfriend later, Hes gonna give me that coke bottle dick tonight!
adj. Possessing an irresistible blend of virtue, charm, and sophistication; exuding integrity while remaining effortlessly charismatic and debonair.
Ash has an amazing accent and hes veronairic.
Lottie, get outta here with that D.P.E. , we're trying to have a good Ole time without you dry snitching.
a guy that goes on Facebook live like having all the females trying to argue over him and shit. aka Sucio.
hey, Gibrann get off facebook.
When a old man is riding his rascal wheelchair around waiting for the perfect young man to try to lure with his multicontained pipe, 5 hour energy and a surprise banana that he definetly couldnt have pulled it out of his jeans pocket, that only could be meant for you to sit on while he gives you an exciting ride on his rascal.
I was walking down the road when i saw this old man in a rascal wheel chair which only meant one thing, BANANA-BUTT RASCAL RIDES!!!