An anime and manga series by Akira Toriyama, and the successor to Dragonball Z
(loosely) based on a Chinese fairy tale, it features the adventures of a little boy called Goku, and a girl called Bulma who go in search of 7 dragonballs that will grant them a wish.
Dragonball is one of Akira Toriyama's manga
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Australian, British and Irish word for a person's rear end.
Unlike America, we spell it properly :P
I'm sitting on my arse.
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Microsoft's web browser, which comes default with Windows, and is a built in part of the opererating system.
It's lack of security has made it a target for viruses, and other exploits.
See also Mozilla Netscape and Opera
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A cousin of adware and spyware, this usually downloads and installs itself to your PC without your permission.
It often takes the form of programs called "porn diallers" that dial expensive or long distance numbers.
Stupid malware!
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A free messageboard system.
While once very good, it is now bogged down by advertising and pop-up ads. You can pay for a gold service, but it's not worth it.
This poor service has earned it the nickname SleazyWhore
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An anime/manga or (anime/manga) based fan-work that depicts sexual acts.
Often shortened to simply "Lemon", the term is actually derived from a hentai anime in 1984, "Cream Lemon", which told a story about a girl called Ami and her relationships.
Since then "Lemon" has been used to refer to all sexually-oriented fanworks, in particular fan-fiction.
"That site has a few lemon fics"
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See also Aeris.
Aerith Gainsborough, the main female heroine of Final Fantasy VII.
Ultimately saves the world through her sacrifice.
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