Source Code

Scale of 1-10

1- You’re not attractive

2- You’re not easy to look at but you have maybe around 1 good feature
3- You’re not too hard to look at, but still not considered to be pretty
4- You’re not too bad and you have a few good things about you
5- You’re on the verge of being pretty
6- You’re pretty but not THAT pretty
7- You’re pretty and not someone that someone would be ashamed to be with

8- You’re beautiful and someone others would chase
9- You’re hella pretty and make others envy you


NOTE: Remember your number doesn’t defy you and you’re gorgeous in your own way, these are just on a different scale than what some may prefer. Just remember you’re still beautiful even if a number says otherwise.

What am I on a scale of 1-10?

by Chiccychey February 9, 2019

9👍 6👎


Megan is a sweet and caring person and has space in her heart for everyone. She rarely has enemies and everyone wants to be her friend. She tends to be popular, but if she’s not she hangouts with a somewhat large group. She’s stunning and is mostly rated a 9/10

Everyone wants to be friends with Megan!

by Chiccychey February 9, 2019

Hosp babe

A “Hosp Babe” is a person (boy or girl) who either basically grew up in the hospital or have to make constant trips because of a condition

Similar to the frase California Babe.

“She’s a hosp babe, she’s headed to another appointment today”

by Chiccychey February 5, 2019


Jamie is a bad ass bitch and not someone to be fucked with. She’s got your back if you have hers and she’s willing to fuck a bitch up for her friends. Most of the time Jamie is a very attractive person and is someone you can rely on. She loves herself some boba and froyo and her style is incredible!

You’re gonna fight Jamie? Alright, I’ll get your ice pack ready.

by Chiccychey February 9, 2019

14👍 3👎


A brave, funny, sarcastic, kind girl who always has your best interest at heart. She will always put her friends before herself and will make everyone else happy at the expense of herself. She is a major sweetheart and all the guys want her. She’s friends with everyone and has a very bright future ahead of her!

Awe yes I know Rosie, who doesn’t!

by Chiccychey February 5, 2019

10👍 3👎