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MOnroe Community College

A community college, sometimes considered 13th grade by dissenters.

I went to Monroe Community College.

by ChigglyWiggly April 10, 2007

6πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

das whack

1. An ebonics term meaning "that is crazy, not right, nuts, or otherwise incorrect in some way."

2. Sometimes used in a flattering sense, sometimes meaning "that is very cool".

1. "Awwwww, shnap daw, fo rizzle. Yall lost da cash money? Das whack!"

Translation: "Oh no, friend, seriously. You lost the money? That's not right!"

2. "Woohoohoo! Yo rimz be pimpin! Mi shizzle, yo ride is off da hizook! Das whack!"

Translation: "Neato! The rims on your vehicle are swell. My friend, your vehicle is very impressive! It's superb!"

by ChigglyWiggly March 22, 2007

16πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Band of Horses

An indie-rock band that formed in 2004. They were originally known as "Horses".

Band of Horses, or Horses, is a band primarily composed of humans, not horses.

by ChigglyWiggly January 15, 2007

137πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž


Laughing my posterior off

The classy version of lmao

Robert: Oh Charles, I am just oozing money! I am so rich, it's funny!

Charles: Good show, Robert, good show! lmpo!

by ChigglyWiggly August 27, 2011

1πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

monkey chomper

The monkey chomper is a sexual act in which, while fornicating, the male bites down (chomps) on a woman's throat, slicing into her jugular vein. Then while she is lying there bleeding to death, he poops in his hand and flings the feces at her, like a monkey.

I was feeling kinky last night, so I performed a monkey chomper.

by ChigglyWiggly August 16, 2010

4πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


A town in rural Wayne County, New York, often criticized for the large amount of drugs in and around the area. For some reason it is nicknamed Spodus.

Hey! Did you hear? They found 6,000 kilos in Sodus last night.

by ChigglyWiggly October 28, 2006

38πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


Any instance of massive trolling, whether it be on a message board, or a chat room, or what have you. The trollacaust can include one person, 10 people, or a million people.

We went on this chat room and totally disrupted it...it was an epic trollocaust.

by ChigglyWiggly February 1, 2010

45πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž