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A word for when someone abruptly mentions or says something completely random or unrelated to the conversation to confuse them or steer away from a subject that makes them uncomfortable.

"Stop conording me, I'm trying to speak."

by ChillJammyTheEpic July 30, 2019


A manipulative tactic/method used in order to successfully lie claiming you only have the knowledge of what the truth is about the accusations of your actions (which in this case, the manipulator always claims the accusation is always false.) typically in a condescending manner, used to make the other feel smaller in terms of knowledge.

“Only I know I didn’t do that thing, but none of you will accept the truth no matter what I say”

My older brother always uses dipulation to get away with things he does to me.

by ChillJammyTheEpic May 2, 2019

4👍 1👎


A genre of (typically ceramic) mugs shaped like characters, animals, people, and inanimate objects, often collected and bought together.

Murrthodes are my favourite.

by ChillJammyTheEpic July 29, 2019


Not to be mistaken for Justifying

Justefying is for something or someone to be plainly and completely defying justice.

BREAKING NEWS: Man pleads guilty to raping and killing innocent girl, receives no jail-time!
Everyone: This is justefying!!

by ChillJammyTheEpic June 26, 2019

Number Nerfect

Based off of the word number neighbor and it means someone who has the same phone number as you, besides the last two digits.

Gerg: Hey, Alrak, what’s your number?

Alrak: (719) 558-9013

Gerg: Hey! We’re number nerfects! Mine’s

(719): 558-9024.

by ChillJammyTheEpic August 10, 2019



What u say at me?!

by ChillJammyTheEpic June 26, 2019


When Google Translate makes an error.

I don’t speak Spanish so my Spanish translations on this video got Paunified.

by ChillJammyTheEpic May 8, 2019