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clayton bigsbie

the black white supremicist on chappelle's show.

This is the funniest sketch ever on tv.

"Sir, my message is simple. Niggers, Jews, Homosexuals, mexicans, a-rabs, and all different sorts of chinks stink! and i hate 'em."

by Chris A. December 28, 2005

52👍 22👎


Short- Go Fuck YourSelf.

GFYS you Fucktard

Why don't you all shut up and GFYS

by Chris A. April 8, 2005

323👍 116👎


Noun: Usually applied to persons of evidencing a lack of common sense. Syn: Goof, Lackwit, Nimrod.

"Man, Mickey was trying to impress some girls, fell out of a tree and landed on his head... What a meatball."

by Chris A. March 31, 2003

402👍 287👎