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jeb end

1. A jeb end is the externalia of the femailia genitalia. Encompassing the fanny flaps, and a little bit extra.
2. Used in any manner whatsoever

What the jeb are you doing?
Your acting like a jeb end!
Stop touching my jeb end!
Jeb off!
Jeb's jebbing jeb's jebs jeb end.
Jeb end's mum.
Your jeb's showing.

by Chris Beesting December 11, 2009

25👍 55👎


There are three levels of mafting - mafting, which would be warm enough to fry an egg on your leg; bloody mafting, which would be warm enough to roast a turkey on your leg; and fucking mafting, which would be warm enough to smelt gold on your leg.

"Feel my leg! It's bloody mafting!"

by Chris Beesting September 25, 2009

140👍 29👎