Source Code

Hidden Treasure

When a girl with a hairy pussy hides a yogo in her bush. Then then man has to find it without using his hands.

Bobby found hidden treasure inside of his mom's bush

by Chris D.L. June 7, 2007

7👍 10👎

Thirsty bonzai

When you cut you cut the girls pubic hairs like a bonzai and water it with jizz

My girlfriend was a thirsty bonzai.

by Chris D.L. June 7, 2007

6👍 5👎

Albuquerque Turkey

To put gravy in a girls pussy,dip a drumstick in it, and eat it.

I had a delicious Albuquerque Turkey last night

by Chris D.L. June 7, 2007

24👍 24👎