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A country unlike any other in history. The U.S. is by far the most diverse and innovative nation on earth. Dominator of both Noble Prizes and Olympic Medals.
America was:

The first in flight.
The first to harnass nuclear energy.
The first and ONLY to put humans on the moon (If it wasn't for this little agency in Texas called NASA, the entire planet would be miles back in terms of scientific progress).

America has brought the world revolutionary inventions such as:

The Microchip.
The Internet you are now using.
The Lightbulb.
The Telephone.
The Automobile (as we now know it).
Television, Film, AND Radio.
Rock and Roll, Blues, Jazz, Country, Hip Hop and any other genre of music worth listening to.

The Simpsons...need I say more?

America's role in WWII and it's stance against the Soviet Empire has undisputably brought freedom to millions.

Successful American companies such as Coca-Cola and McDonald's, despite being complained about, have spread throughout the world offering people products at an affordable price. They wouldn't be in every corner of the world if there wasn't demand for them...it's called economics. (Note: "Coca-Cola" is the 2nd most recognized word in the world, behind "O.K.").

Basically, America has packed more culture and history into 200+ years, than most nations have fit into thousands. You might not like America's leaders...most non-Americans won't like proactive, take-charge American presidents. The world would prefer a less active, timid U.S. president who gives the EU and other nations a greater role in world affairs. But that's just not how it works. Democrat or Republican, any president of the world's only superpower will seek to maintain America's leadership role in the world, whether it's popular with the rest of the world or not. In the real world of geopolitics other countries would do the same given the opportunity...just thank your lucky stars it's the U.S. and not Russia, China, Iran, etc. During world crises, the world looks to the U.S. for leadership.

Also, let's not forget that the current U.S. president went to the U.N. before the war against Iraq and received a unanimous vote to take action against Saddam's regime. At the time half of NATO was on board, as well as the majority of the American public and both aisles of congress....in addition to a plurality of the British public and EU goverments. So, to keep calling it "Bush's war" is just factually wrong.

Some of America's greatest problems include illegal immigration and a failure to sell it's decent, principled polices abroad.

America is the most emmigrated to country in the world.

Note: I don't think Americans are better than everyone else, but this irrational American bashing cannot be given a pass.

Journalist: Sir, what country do people hate most in your country?

Egyptian: America! dirka dirka...mohammed jihad (inaudible).

Journalist: What country would you most like to send your kids to get educated and to live in?

Egyptian: America! dirka dirka...allah jihad akbar (inaudible).

by Chris512 November 1, 2006

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