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the act of doing something stupid/irresponsible/morally wrong, while drunk

"Man, Carl sure pulled a Clausen last night by fucking that fat bitch!"

by ChristHimself August 5, 2007

60👍 29👎


Ok, Here's the deal with airsoft. Basically, it is for people who decided that paintball wasn't 'real' enough so they outsourced poor quality guns from China ( Places like FAUX AIRSOFT will charge you plenty of money, even though these guns will malfunction on you more than any paintball gun)

Airsoft is LARPING. Bunch of 13 year old to 40 year old virgins who either A.) want to join military and KILL but they are too young B.) Were actually in the military but never saw combat, so they attempt to relive some glory that they never actually saw . ( Seriously, what veteran who has actually seen combat, blood and death, is going to want to pretend he's doing the same thing by shooting plastic BB's at 12 year old boys) Or, C.) 30 something virgins who have never been in the military, nor seen a pair of tits in their life.

Airsofters like to think they are tough by buying over priced replica gear of what real military units use. The reality is airsoft 'ops' consist of 30 year old has-beens ordering aroudn 14 year olds like they have some sort of authority. Not to mention airsoft runs on the 'honor' system and you cannot tell if you've shot, or been shot unless you are within a very close range. Airsoft does nothing but brainwash youth into the military industrial complex... Plus, it's just kind of gay.

Airsoft player: TANGO DOWN, 1.5 clicks!

other airsoft player: I SHOT YOU! call your hits!

airsoft player: NO I SHOT YOU!

* two airsofters have anal sex in the woods*

by ChristHimself March 4, 2012

49👍 63👎