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Someone who lacks belief in a deity or higher power. That's all. Atheists are not the hateful, arrogant, stubborn jerks they are often made out to be. Stop disrespecting atheists based on negative encounters you've had with some of them. Not all of them are intolerant, arrogant people who think they have the answer to everything. I've met several atheists who happen to be very intelligent and respectful people, and in turn are very respectable. It's true, some ARE arrogant, some ARE hateful, some DON'T know when to shut up, but honestly, that is no reason to judge all of them. They have the right to believe or not to believe in whatever they want, just like everyone else does. By the way, this is coming from a Christian!

An atheist is someone who does not believe in a deity or higher entity. That is all an atheist is.

by Christianguy27462 April 10, 2014

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