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To cum in your hand then rub it into you girlfriend’s hair singing “brylcreem a little dab ll do ya “

Hey dude what’s with your girls hair

Oh man I just give a brylcreeming

by Christrze August 21, 2021

1👍 1👎

bryl cream

When you cum in your hand and then massage it into a girls hair as a hair he’ll sing brûlée cream a little dab ll do ya

Hey Chriso you see that girls hair

Yes Allister I gave her the bryl cream treatment

by Christrze August 12, 2021


Half Croatian half aboriginal

Zoran: hey Layton I'm half Croatian half aboriginal
Layton: so your a crabo
Zoran: yes Layton I'm crabo

by Christrze November 8, 2018


Not up to a standard acceptable to dan

Allister: hey Chris nice work

Nah Allister Dan said it wasn’t good enough not up to dandard

by Christrze November 10, 2022