Refers to the act of being out of control, normally this is acheived with the aid of alcohol or some form of illicit substance. Going off is normally measured in comparison to how many pills it would take for Stuey to reach your state of Going offness.
Barnes: Woah dude you were going off like stuey on 5 million eccys.
Dave: I am cunted
87👍 40👎
The only way to define stuey is with this rhyme. "What ryhmes with gooey and also with rags but don't call him gay or he will kick all our bags"
You going off stuey??
Ahh fuck off you junkies
15👍 38👎
1. A word used to accentuate an excited state of mind.
2. This word can be also used to furthur develop your point of view in an argument.
1.Dave: Going off Barnesy??
Barnesy: YEW!!
2.Age: You are such a rock
Age: Nice one Rock YEW YEW!!
207👍 124👎