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another way to say spic, yet at the same time, attempt to hide your racism or pretend that you are not racist. similar to the word naggle.

mexico city, with a population of about 10 million, is spice world.

by Chuck February 1, 2005

28πŸ‘ 50πŸ‘Ž

social anxiety

Characterized by extreme self-consciousness. A condition in which the subject may be consistently nervous, fearing judgement and over-rationalizing, taking things apart to much, often worrying about what others may think of them, not to mention feeling like they are always being looked at.

I think that wierd guy who comes in here now and then, the one who always seems kind of nervous and doesn't make eye contact, has social anxiety. Sucks.

All socially anxious people should unite and start a community together. Approach your fellow nervous wreck. Also, socially anxious people should all date each other, because it's near impossible to get along with others. Fuck everyone else, there's nothing wrong with us.

by Chuck October 5, 2003

1717πŸ‘ 194πŸ‘Ž

glory metal

Metal for anyone who has a mullet, drives a camaro, and "loves to rock." Metal for those who wear gaunlets, obsessively watch Lord of the Rings or play D&D. Those who enjoy "hoisting the chalice" and "striking Thor's hammer upon thy sin stricken Earth".

You listen to Manowar?? That sickens me, you Glory Metal piece of shit.

by Chuck August 12, 2003

14πŸ‘ 53πŸ‘Ž


Acronym for Peer to Peer. Refers to computer systems that communicate to each other through a network without passing through a central server. Each computer on the network communicates with each other computer.

Our new software communicates p2p

by Chuck May 6, 2003

527πŸ‘ 196πŸ‘Ž

dirty wanker

A real low-down loser.
British for habitual shameless masturbator

That dirty wanker took my wallet!

by Chuck December 2, 2003

37πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

yat yat

A crude response to a worthless comment or remark.

"Wang Chung is truly a great musician"

"Yat! Yat!"

by Chuck August 16, 2003

6πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž


The sound flatuence makes. Variations - vernting, vernted, vernter, vernts, verntable, vernty. fart Can be added to the beginning any adjective or adverb in a sentence.

That was the loudest vernt I ever heard. I was vernting all the way to the bathroom. I vernted and cleared the room. New movie names: Return of the Vernt. The Vernt Strikes Back.

by Chuck December 18, 2003

5πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž