Gangster Disciples or also Growth and Development, a Chicago based organization that came out of the Black Devil Disciples and the Supreme Gangsters, at that time it was known as BGD but then later on they dropped the B and were just GD.
688👍 373👎
A Gangster Nation formed under the 6 point star of David. reps the pitchforks up the cane down the sword down the 3 point crown up the 5 point crown down. we hate Vicci Lous,Bumblebeez, MuMus, slobs, piss stones, and everybody that reps the jive we also hate crips that try to rep the 6 and the pitchfork they are fake as hell. our colors are Black, White, Grey, and Babyblue but not dark blue that is in fact a crip color we dont disrespect until disrespected and real Folks only fight when we have to but we have to alot.
6 in the sky jive gonna die, Folks dont die we multiply!!!!!!6 up
524👍 369👎
A nation under the 6 point star of David, reps the pitchforks and swords and canes going down. The arch rival of people nation sets. Folks consist of GD, BD, LRZ,MLD, IGD, and others. colors are Black, White, Grey, and Baby Blue, not to be confused with dark blue which crips wear.
how can someone hurt my folks when they are close to me?
227👍 155👎
A derogatory remark used to disrespect the LA street gang Crips. In context with the crip handsign when both hands are throwing up crip they look like crab pinchers
Fuck slobs and crabs 74 GD for life!
184👍 158👎