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A hybrid of "conservative" and the derogatory term derp, indicting the low intellect and tin-foil-conspiracy gullibility of the typical neo-conservative and alt-right manchild or their weak women.

However, it still applies to less reality-rejecting traditional conservatives for not having the intellect to reject the historic failure of an ideology that is conservatism.

The term is an accurate reflection of the scientifically proven lower IQ of conservatives.

Oh look, another social media troll crying about their latest manufactured conservaderp conspiracy. This one will only cost taxpayers $70 million!

by Chyllstorm October 20, 2016

5πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Low intellect, anti-American fascists easily recognized by their tendency to wear red hats with a KKK slogan embroidered on the front. They are a national minority group of pro-crime, pro-Russia, anti-life social rejects and school failures who have banded together to force America to become a nation that aligns with their anti-science, archaic, regressive caveman worldview. Most are low IQ grunt laborers with extreme cases of Dunning-Kruger syndrome. The group is facing short term extinction.

Γ’Β€ΒœRedhat fascists have no idea how endangered their families are with these latest anti-American attacks on our nation."

by Chyllstorm February 14, 2025


The God of Music. Prince Rogers Nelson. The best musician to ever exist in the history of mankind. Master of over 59 different musical instruments. One of the most prolific artists ever, including enough music in his vault to release new albums for over 50 years upon his death. Winner of countless lifetime and album awards. Inventor of the "Minneapolis sound", a very funky style of music. Calls Detroit his second home due to earlier career success, despite never having lived there. Heterosexual. Changed his name to an unpronounceable symbol for a short time to work around contract restraints with Warner Brothers.

"Prince's new album 3121 set another record for him this past year by debuting at #1 on the Billboard charts."

by Chyllstorm October 25, 2006

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Shortened slang for "domestic threat". Applicable to anti-authority, anti-constitution, anti-science conservaderp types who endanger others without care, due to overinflated egos, susceptibility to conspiracy theories, and scientifically proven lower IQs than liberals.

Not going to wear a mask in the pandemic, Ben? You'll be at fault for murdering more people, domth. Know what happens to domths in this nation, Ben?

by Chyllstorm August 10, 2020


Trewe is shortened slang for "treasonweasel".

It's used to describe anti-American political MAGA cultists who reject reality, and seek to destroy America with support of the orange, corrupt, criminal, sexual assaulting, classified intel stealing and sharing, grifting, lying, domestic threat, worst-ever ranked, former President Donald J. Trump.

"Go somewhere else, treawe, your vile ilk are unwelcome here."

"Treawe Trump is officially ranked worst-ever president ever by most groups of bipartisan presidential historians."

by Chyllstorm January 5, 2024