Source Code

Cat Hand

The hand maintained by a cat owner who is allergic to cats. The cat owner must be careful to use the cat hand only for touching the cats or risk a terrible allergic reaction. Hand washing will return the cat hand to regular-hand status.

Guy 1: Dude, what happened to your face? Did you get stung by a bee? Like, in the eyeball?
Guy 2: Nah, I just had an itch and accidentally scratched with my cat hand.

by Cicero's Assassin October 21, 2007

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The Editing Room

Established in 1998, The Editing Room, or TER for short, is a website maintained by Rod Hilton at www.the-editing-room.com. Features original abridged scripts for a great and ever-expanding number of Hollywood blockbusters and crapfests. Hilton's scripts not only delight with their biting wit and merciless satire; they also provide the reader with the ability to discuss the latest Hollywood garbage without having to actually see the films being discussed. TER is occasionally featured in Total Film Magazine and Cracked.com.

Guy: "Man, I can't believe how terrible The Happening was. M. Knight Shyamalan has really nuked the fridge."
Gal: "I didn't know you even saw that movie."
Guy: "I didn't have to! I just read the abridged script at The Editing Room."

by Cicero's Assassin July 19, 2008

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THC Enthusiast

A habitual user of marijuana who does not conform to the common stereotypes; a regular pot user who does not refer to him or herself as a pothead.
Usually distinguished from a stoner in that the THC enthusiast has a job, goals, and art on their walls portraying something other than Bob Marley.

Person who doesn't grasp the difference: "You smoke every day? You're such a stoner/pothead/burnout/loser."
Person who does: "What do you mean? I have a degree and a better job than yours. I'm not some filthy hippie, I'm just a THC enthusiast."

by Cicero's Assassin October 20, 2007

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(n.) A mashup of two words: Corporate, and Coprolite, which is a fossilized turd.

Used to describe entrenched middle management common to many workplaces, especially those members who have been in their jobs too long to be dismissed despite adding nothing more valuable to the company than would an ancient piece of rock-hard poop.

Employee 1: Hey, how'd your new idea go over with the big CEO?

Employee 2: It never got to him. Some corprolite decided he wanted things to stay the same around here and threw away my memo.

Passing middle manager, to himself: Corprolite? Sounds like new business jargon. I'll have to make sure I use that in my next presentation to the board!

by Cicero's Assassin December 16, 2009


Acronym, "First Lady I'd Like to Fuck".
Refers to any wife of the President whose physical attributes make one want to take her to bed and sex her up.
Coined by "The Daily Show" with Jon Stewart.

Dude 1: Fred Thompson's wife Jeri Kehn is a total FLILF.
Dude 2: Actually, the '08 election is starting to look like a FLILF festival.

by Cicero's Assassin October 30, 2007

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Acronym - Safe Enough For Work. Internet slang to describe something just this side of NSFW.

Guy 1: Hey, did you see this link? Princess Leia pillowfight!
Guy 2: SFW?
Guy 1: SEFW.

by Cicero's Assassin October 27, 2008

Source Fatigue

A modern-day ailment unique to the exceptionally well-informed, especially as pertains to followers of current events. Those afflicted with source fatigue suffer the inability to name a direct source for something they bring up in conversation. In most cases the afflicted will emphasize their certainty that they are quoting a reliable source, although they cannot name a specific one.

Joe: "I saw the funniest news story today. A squirrel chewed into a power line, burst into flames, then fell down directly onto a new car. It rolled into the engine and blew the car up. I think it broke my ability to laugh."
John: "No way. Uh-uh. Where did you read that?"
Joe: "Oh, it was... um... I think it was from NPR or something. Or, um. Maybe... uh, Fark? No, no, I think it came in my email. Or... huh. Shit. I'm not sure, but I know it was for real.
John: Sounds like a bad case of source fatigue.

by Cicero's Assassin October 20, 2007

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