Basically if Vine had a one night stand with, but then few days later. Vine finds out that's pregnant and that Vine now has a STD. Vine was going to try and live a peaceful life, but no. The day when it was time for Vine to meet the baby saw that the out come was horrible. After the day of the meeting Vine felt so terrible, just plain disgusted, disgusted at why such other beings even existed in the first place. However Vine was grateful Tik Tok wasn't as much of a disappointment as Vine then figured that it would either end this way or that something or someone else was going to end it. Vine knew from the start. October 27, 2016 was the date that day, the day Vine knew it couldn't take it anymore, Vine was already dying. Vine knew this was the point of no return. Around after about a year, Viners found Tik Tok, they were the ones that weren't necessarily the most famous ones but still liked by many. However it was who made Tik Tok one amungst many hated apps on the internet. So what do you do when the site you use in almost all your free time shows that it is dying?, you then move onto the next, and that is exactly what users did. However that was just a part of the reason why Tik Tok is so hated. It was the around the time the original Viners found the app. They were the part of Vine that knew that Vine's retirement would and should be respected, therefor not trying to bring it back even if it was on another app.
Friend: "Omg, you should get Tic Tok, it's just a great app that's really fun"
Me: "Tic Tok... ð"
Tik Tok basically means if Vine and had a child. ð