The testosterone-driven opposite of a "chick flick". Generally contains lots of car chases, explosions, and boobs.
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Very cool subgenre of punk rock with a gay activist slant. Notable bands include Huggy Bear, the Haggard, Team Dresch, the Chromatics, and Tribe 8.
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A misheard song lyric. A symptom of word"kiss this guy" syndrome/word
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A devotee of Marilyn Manson, Slipknot, etc., usually complaining about "preps", wearing tacky clothes from Hot Topic, and pretending to be dark and scary. Frequently misaken for goths by people (including themselves) who wouldn't know "goth" if it bit them on the ass.
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Long hair that is cut in mohawk style, but not spiked up; a tall mohawk in its flaccid state. Called a "ponyhawk" because of its resemblance to a horse's mane.
Darren dyed cut his hair a ponyhawk and dyed it purple.
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A lesbian of the birkenstocks-wearing, tofu-eating, folk music-loving, "earthy crunchy" hippie variety. Often seen with an acoustic guitar.
Susie's last girlfriend was a dreadlocked granola dyke named Crystal Windwomyn.
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