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A crystal is a white trash, dirty flip flop wearing bag of douche. Due to the fact that she is a super slut with 7 kids by all different dads, she collects money for support and posts on social media all implying what a great mom she is, meanwhile she’s manipulating her next sperm donor and pushing him to the brink. Yes, crystals are so psychotic they aren’t the strippers who are paying tuition, they’re the bitches who strip because it’s attention that they don’t get unless they’re drunk and so is everyone else nearby. With hepatitis a-z, daddy issues, no heart or conscience and an extremely disappointing face, crystals are often great at pretending they have emotions (as do sociopaths). If you meet a crystal, run away, get tested, use disinfectant, don’t judge yourself- just be grateful you dodged a giant filthy bullet.

Person 1: hey, have you seen crystal?
Person 2: well,if shes not off tying some poor guys noose for him, try following her slugtrail.

Person 1: hey what’s a good name for my daughter due soon?
Person 2: unless you want her to be a dumb, trashy, and slutty with a face like memory foam? Don’t go with crystal

by Citizen of Manchester September 8, 2018

20👍 14👎


A girl who talks about how tough she is, brags about her ability to be a great friend, bonds with you, and eventually your more like family. Then she stabs you in the back talks shit to her own enemy about you bc she is easy to persuade as she has no brain of her own . Has NO idea how to be a good friend. Like, NONE.

“Hey you should go out and make more friends”
No thanks, they seem chill on the surface then boom- it’s a Tamie

by Citizen of Manchester August 31, 2019


A man who is immature, emotionally unpredictable, sexually Inadequate, and an overall self-centered asshole.

Sentence: I once knew a guy named Cliffton who was gonna he a rockstar. Then he just... like, wasn’t.

by Citizen of Manchester August 26, 2019

2👍 6👎