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1. To be re-embarrassed, or "embarrassed again". Often brought on a memory of an embarrassing situation encountered years ago that nobody remembers but you. Can be just as, if not more, embarrassing than the original offense.

2. A mental accounting of all the stupid shit you've said and done throughout your life.

3. A "delayed shame reaction". That moment you realize something you said or did in the past was not embarrassing at the time, but personal growth and maturity make you realize what an asshat you were then. The level of sudden-onset shame comes with interest; the longer the delay, the greater the intensity of embarrassment.

"So I'm laying in bed trying to fall asleep when I suddenly recall how I accidentally farted in that quiet movie theater ten years ago. Next to my date. And everybody heard it. It was embarrassing then, and I'm rebarrassed now"

"Man, I'm getting rebarrassed at getting piss drunk and puking on that cop's shoes. Then there was that time I pooped my pants when I was five. Oh, and when I was goofing off in class and made a complete fool of myself. Then there was the time..."

Brain: "Remember that time you called your sweet, loving mother a bitch when you were 13 and thought it was funny? Yeah, I bet she remembers, too. Get rebarrassed, you ungrateful son-of-a-bitch."

by Clever Velociraptor May 15, 2017

Covid eugenicist

A specific type of asshole who sees the coronavirus pandemic as a desired form of social Darwinism where only the strong survive it, believing it perfectly acceptable to allow vulnerable segments of the population die from preventable disease.

Covid eugenicists lack an understanding in this principle that long covid and other disease-induced injury will render far more people disabled, continuing the cycle of seeking elimination of those they judge as weak or unworthy of life. In addition, they have no sense of irony that they themselves may not survive, preventing them from seeing the übermensch society they yearn for.

While there is some overlap, covid eugenicists differ from covid denialists in that they acknowledge the reality of the pandemic. The most recognizable parallel is deliberately refusing to engage in very simple, non-invasive actions to reduce harm to themselves and others. The main difference is they act this way out of sheer spite, ego, selfishness, and narcissistic contrarianism (see also: toddler).

Whether eugenicist or denialist, both segments are generally not nice people and should be avoided like the plague.

Standard covid eugenicist arguments:

"99% survive*"

Translation: "I don't care about that 1%"

"It takes only the sick, elderly, and infirm"

Translation: "Those people are a burden on society and should just die already."

"I got it and came out just fine"

Translation: "My unique experience is evidence that it's no big deal"

"I refuse to live in fear"

Translation 1: "I won't catch it, and even if I do, I'll be fine because I'm better and stronger than the rest of you peons" (see also: cognitive dissonance)

Translation 2: "I'm not afraid of a disease that has so far killed over 5 million people and disabled ten times that many but keep that vaccination that has saved many millions more away from me"

(*As of this writing, it's actually 98.2%)

by Clever Velociraptor January 26, 2022