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1: An insult that substitutes any banned word on controlled social media platforms. This word can be ANY insult in existence. It's a filler, used in comment sections monitored by bots that automatically remove comments with vulgar language, so that a comment may "pass the test" of posting to be seen by others in the community.

Some of these are real quotes I took from other people using the term online in comments.

Example 1:

"All these streamers are dingle berry digital bum-skops."

Example 2:

"Everyday this girl who wears almost nothing posts on instagram. This skop has a serious problem for attention."

Example 3:

"If the world ended tomorrow and we had to use primitive skills to survive, I'd watch all these skops starve to death."

Example 4:

"Wow, what a skop Terry is. He literally regurgitated what CNN said, which was proven to be a lie."

Example 5:

Kid: "YA OK BOOMER!!!"
Boomer: "YA OK, Worthless Skop!!!"

Example 6:

White supremacist: "All these black voters are worthless skops." (We can clearly see this is an extreme use of the word, most likely replacing a common racial slur, the N word, so that the comment posts online in front of others to see without being removed)

I've also seen the opposite of the last example, online;

Example 7:

Black Supremacist: "All these white trash-skops in there, need to shut up. Trump is a racist bigot, period."
(Again, instead of using a "C" word racial slur, that would get auto-banned by the bots monitoring the comments, he replaced it with skop so his comment would post)

by Cobra Kaii January 11, 2022