Source Code

Modern Warfare 2

The biggest piece of shit disappointment to ever have been released since Halo 3. Story completely ignores the laws of physics, and once you get over seeing Soap's face for the first time, your cock goes limp as he parkour jumps his way to a whole Russian base to destroy them all afterwards making a jump 1 mile long on a snowmobile.
Even moreso, the multiplayer is the biggest turd of the sandwich, made up of huge faggot 8 year olds yelling racial slurs because mommy and daddy aren't home, and the sounds of Aussies cutting themselves because they haven't joined suit with the rest of their nation in destroying their fucking games due to the immense, "Ameri-lag."
Infinity Ward tricked many people into buying this satan spawn, so mission accomplished, good job.

Longcat: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2? Don't you mean Camp of Shit: Model 1887 2?

by Codename Exia January 2, 2010

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