The Almighty Power, believed to be real by most religions, not by most scientists. Really, no one will ever know if he's real or not. Also (In Genesis 1) God creates the Heavens and the Universe, and all the animals and plants according to their kinds. Then he also makes humans. 2 humans, Adam and Eve, but Eve was tempted by the Devil to take a fruit from the "Tree of Good and Evil", which he gave to Adam, whom of which ate, thus bringing sin into the World. (God had told Adam and Eve not to eat from only that Tree). God also is supposed to come back for "The Rapture", and take all Christians back up with him, and banish all the non-followers, or "Atheists", to MANY years of suffering. Just read the book, "Left Behind" to understand more.
God is real, he is watching over us.
We need God as much as we ever have right now.
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