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Oh Can-never-do.

Can never do anything

by Cody5050 May 20, 2023


A man with a c8a2 who forces you into multiple arbitrary hernia repair surgeries in a sterile hospital to guarantee at least childhood immunity from prosecution until 18 he's scary and has a knife.

You can always trust your pediatrician to supply a defense...

by Cody5050 December 22, 2022


bt omega .68 cal 500 shot m4 semi with steel bearing9s for ammunition and a $13.99 canadian tire or equivalent steel tube tied with extra masks(bandannas) to the m4 with a pin that fires .12 Ga shotshells at roughly the same cyclic rate as a m203 attachment, especially with magnesium nuclear shotshells firing dragons breath or explosive tips(excluding hollowpoint slugs, slugs, buckshot, and birdshot)

needs no licences and lethal af. armor piercing and legal even in canada with a cyclic rate of 500 shots a minute with .68 steel balls, can be carried into gunfree zones by children usually in america if left in car cyclic rate of 10 shots maybe 15 a minute with the dragons breath or explosive tipped or tracers or aluminium explosive buckshot.

cop killer from canadian marijuana legalization efforts and my two belong in a museum i think im getting the license.

i think im going to get museum insurance on my uncontrolled m203.

by Cody5050 November 19, 2020


bt omega .68 cal 500 shot m4 semi with steel bearing9s for ammunition and a $13.99 canadian tire or equivalent steel tube tied with extra masks(bandannas) to the m4 with a pin that fires .12 Ga shotshells at roughly the same cyclic rate as a m203 attachment, especially with magnesium nuclear shotshells firing dragons breath or explosive tips(excluding hollowpoint slugs, slugs, buckshot, and birdshot)

needs no licences and lethal af. armor piercing and legal even in canada with a cyclic rate of 500 shots a minute with .68 steel balls, can be carried into gunfree zones by children usually in america if left in car cyclic rate of 10 shots maybe 15 a minute with the dragons breath or explosive tipped or tracers or aluminium explosive buckshot.

cop killer from canadian marijuana legalization efforts and my two belong in a museum i think im getting the license.

i think im going to get museum insurance on my uncontrolled m203.

by Cody5050 November 19, 2020

Pop tart culture

The pokemon playing, pop tart munching minuture people in public schools

There's ten packages of pop tarts around outside with that pokemon playing game this pop tart culture has been here forever when's COVID end? Can we keep our new friends? Colonization!!!

by Cody5050 January 14, 2022

3d youtube firearm 3

3d gunner youtube

Gorilla glue and sawdust can be used to create a molded part that is strong and durable. Here is how you can make a molded part using Gorilla glue and sawdust:

- Gorilla Glue
- Sawdust
- Mixing bowl
- Measuring cup
- Mixing spoon or spatula
- Mold or form
- Sandpaper


1. Mix the Gorilla Glue and sawdust together in a mixing bowl. Start with a ratio of 1:1, and adjust as needed to achieve the desired consistency. The mixture should be thick and moldable, but not too dry or too wet.

2. Press the mixture into the mold or form, making sure to pack it tightly and evenly. Smooth out the surface as much as possible.

3. Let the mixture dry for at least 24 hours, or until it is completely hardened.

4. Remove the molded part from the mold or form. If necessary, use a knife or other tool to carefully pry it loose.

5. Sand the surface of the molded part with sandpaper to remove any rough or uneven spots. You can also use sandpaper to shape and refine the part as needed.

6. Your molded part is now ready to use! It can be painted or finished as desired.

even substitue the sawdust for your drywall if ground with morter and pestol glue sticks work if mixed with alcohol.

Part 3
3d youtube firearm 3

by Cody5050 May 22, 2023

Fucked by a rhino

To be kicked in the small of the back without warning and appropriately named after a charging rhino rearing up and planting it's horn right up in the small of your back, kicked without warning usually extremely painful especially if you're over 18

Yo dude I'm sorry
How did you kick me so hard
I don't know what did it feel like, being Fucked by a rhino.

by Cody5050 December 23, 2021