something so sensitive it should only be handled by family.
something only your aunts can handle.
something thats the reverse of a issue.
i dont know how my mom got antimatter everywhere, but its definitly there.
Waiting in the bathtub with a foreskin fry for your eggs to be fertilized
I love to leave my door open and go fishing
a pill that has no prestige and has only been force fed to 7 year olds
the fuking terrorist sympathizer just broke North American tradition then prescribed the nonefunctional disgraceful unhistoric straterrorist probably use by al queda
A infant found on the bus that carries marijuana or usually methamphetamine packages in their anal passage. Usually found with a discrepant looking mother in a underfunded stroller. Between the ages of 0-24 months often found smelling of sickly sweet poop.
You find butt smugglers to sell your drugs for you on any major transit access
Royal Guelph police service mandatory key placement of other people housekeys given to Wendy Mildred Susan Maki to pillage and loot and commit industry espionage as Kaelen Cody William Granger has his own business
This forced incest must be trademarked they use a machete on me whenever I won't fuck my mom
The program that taught me to smoke cigarettes at age 2 years and made me a genocide survivor protected by law under the woman protection act 1960, the 2008 child soldiers protection act, the 1948 laws on police ethics, the 1979 torture prevention acts, the 1991 zero tolerance laws, and the 2001 anti terrorism act, and lastly the Torture (18 U.S.C. Section 2340A of Title 18, of the northern astronautical space association privy, and the warcrime survivors act 1938 as mustard gas got in my bowl years ago. Mustard seeds suck in weed.
Fire setters used manipulative assault in 1993 causing bodily harm to genetically mutate me and cause cancer 5 times in the name of cancer prevention and stole my mom's breast and left it incomplete then monumentalized her illness with a tribunalable warcriminal insult to my mom and her fight against cancer, and their using ignorance as a defense, right? K.c.w.g.