what you call in when someone starts coughing and cant breath
theres so much bat shit flu in that groceries store i dont wanna go in. i wanna call in cough shots fired instead.
Pedophilic rapists in lab coats calling themselves boylover nambla or doctor
Machete welding machine is not a human being
Whats known is i testafy the only reason ive ever plead guilty is because as a male in a sexist police state and as a public school dropout 3 times expelled in grade 10 keep being threatened under duress by my university educated passive aggressive mother a educated slave trader who specializes in extorting guilty pleas and seditioning unnessacary welfare checks to gather espionage evidence.
It is what it is. Its already nown in guelph. Ive had to seek shelter for persecution three times as a child and 2 times as a adult.
When you take the wrong drugs and end up invisible to the point of inner clearity and external invisiblisation. Not sure how it works, occasionally happened with Dexedrine suicide attempts as a child victim of attempted municipissicide
I got solar spooled a few years ago and my friends couldn't find me for over 24 hours
Teenagers butts and pheromone when master eating
I've been on the new pcp too long in getting tied because they fly