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Mind Fuck

the process of being manipulated by someone who is clearly ahead of the game and knows how to talk to you in such a fashion that gets you to do something the Mind Fucker finds either amusing or beneficial to themselves. This can be done to anyone ignorant/high enough to believe or fall for such trickery.

Example: (ran out of room in below example so i put it here)

sober mind fucks can include but are not limited to

complimenting you or acting towards you in a usually favorable way so that to the mind fuckee, they seem very trustworthy, or deserving of a gift such as sex, promotion, or other reward.

high mind fucks are the most common and amusing and usually consist of;

convincing anyone under the influence of any drug, alcohol, or other impairing substance, to do something that any sober person would see as obviously ridiculous. There are two usual objectives a high mind fucker will go for: 1. is to trick everyone else so that he can make food and eat it all to himself without any of the other people involved getting any. or 2. to make them do something ridiculous.

Ex: Guy a = Mind Fucker. Guy b = Mind Fuckee

Guy a: (in the most serious and convincing tone possible) dude did you know that if you take a hit and your body is all compressed you get higher?

Guy b: really? no way dude!

Guy a: Yeah dude seriously, that's why we have this dog kennel because that way we can climb in and it will compress our body because its so cramped and then when we take the hit we will get higher. (shocked) you haven't ever done that before??

Guy b: no dude i have never, is it awesome?

Guy a: (refers to a 3rd guy who will play along with it and make it more believable) it totally gets you super high right Guy c?

Guy c: yeah dude. its awesome!

Guy b: well shit... lets do it.

after Guy A immediately locking Guy b in the dog kennel and laughing with guy c. At this time videos and pictures are acceptable

by Coggburn November 27, 2010

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