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Aka the carolina squat

You bringin’ your ride to nippoh? , hell yes takin it carolina squat

by Coleyrae March 22, 2020

Pot hover

The act
Of hovering over a disgusting or just foreign in general toilet bowl

“Ugh that dank ass bathroom was the worst pot hover of My Life”

by Coleyrae March 22, 2020


Someone who ALWAYS looks sweaty and it seeps through their shirt. No matter what the weather or the clothes, it’s more than pit stains. It’s under the tats , it’s the tramp stamp , it’s EVERYWHERE

“Homeboy is such a steeper he has to change his shirt at morning break AND at lunchtime “

by Coleyrae March 22, 2020


When a person is attractive everywhere except their face..

“It’s such a shame, he’s a real buttaface”
“Cheerleader effect got to me, I saw her up
Close and she’s a buttaface”

by Coleyrae March 22, 2020


when something is awesome or works well or looks fabulous

“That job is butta”
“That guy’s car is butta”

by Coleyrae March 22, 2020

2👍 2👎


When parents allow their kids to dress like prostitutes and may even encourage it for attention or exploitation

“Omg belly shirts in 6th grade? Another totstitute is walking around”
“Posting YouTube videos of your totstitutes should be illegal”
“Wow booty shorts in SC, endless totstitutes , it’s an epidemic”

by Coleyrae March 22, 2020

Hot sauce

When a girls sees a hot bro


by Coleyrae March 22, 2020