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A technique designed to blind the world's children from what they will someday learn.
-Commonly used in Japanese animation(anime) which may contain brief nudity or drug use, this is why people in America do not watch Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, or Dragon Ball GT, because they are so censored that they seem so extremely stupid that it's not even good anymore. Thank god anime like Akira and Neon Genesis Evangelion were never censored.
-Also used in music as a sticker that may read, "Parental Advisory Explicit Content." that is used to try to prevent children from listening to music that is deemed "offensive" and that may even help expand their horizons as individualists. It is sometimes true that some material in music leads to violence, but those who do take violent lyrics seriosuly are just idiots.

Cencorship is commonly used in China, as well as the United States and throughout Europe.

by Colin January 1, 2004

77👍 40👎


A horny retard. Used by the sickest urbs.

Damn! Look at that Goshmontay all up on that special-ed teach!

by Colin November 15, 2004


Sweaty Little Boy, an acronym created for insults in Phantasy Star Online (early 2001) and later popularized by rap superstar Robo Randy in his mega hit “Spank Paddles”

"Hey Eros... I hear that guy likes SLBs."

by Colin April 7, 2005

60👍 43👎

homey don't play that

A disagreement or protest to a suggested idea or action.

Carlton said, "Let's watch American Idol!", and Will was like, "Homey don't play that."

by Colin April 5, 2005

111👍 32👎


Uppity: rich
Rich people are Uppity

I thought that buying stocks meant you were "way uppity."

by Colin November 25, 2004

45👍 193👎


whoopass ( P ) Pronunciation Key (wup·azz)
v. whoopass, whoop·azz, (whupaz) or Whoopass wup·ass, Whoopass
v. tr.

To strike repeatedly.
To subject to repeated beatings or physical abuse; batter.
To punish by hitting or whipping; flog.

To strike against repeatedly and with force; whuppin': served as a can or six-pack.

To defeat or subdue, as in a contest.
To force to withdraw or retreat: server a sixpack of whoopass on the enemy.
Informal. To be superior to or better than: I am about to open a can of whoopass on him.
Slang. 'bout to open the six pack of whoopass.
To avoid or counter the effects of, often by thinking ahead; circumvent: I better open a six pack of whoopass.
To deprive, as by craft or ability: He opened a six pack of whoopass on me 'n took my 20 dollars.
Physics. To cause a reference wave to combine with (a second wave) so that the frequency of the second wave can be studied through time variations in the amplitude of the combination.

v. intr.
To inflict repeated beatings.
To obliterate; whoop.

To emit sound when struck: He screamed like a bitch when i open a can of whoopass on 'em.
A stroke or blow, especially one that produces a sound or serves as a signal to others.
Physics. A variation in amplitude that results from the superpositioning of two or more waves of different frequencies. When sound waves are combined, the variation is heard as a pulsation in the sound of whooptitude.

Middle English wupten, from Old English wuptenass. See whau aus- in Indo-European Roots.
Synonyms: beat, 3batter, 1belabor, buffet, 2hammer, lambaste, pound, 2pummel, thrash
These verbs mean to hit heavily and repeatedly with violent blows: was mugged and servered a six pack of whoopass; basted him with a stick; was served a can of whoopass in the boxing ring; rioting students served a six pack of whoopass by police officers; buffeted him with her open palm; hammered the opponent with his fists; lambasted every challenger; troops pounded with mortar fire; pummeled the bully soundly; thrashed the thief for stealing the candy. See also synonyms at defeat

by Colin March 22, 2003

93👍 23👎

alpha sigma tau

AST's are like female frat boys. you can find them on almost any night of the week doing a keg stand, kicking your ass in beer pong or doing a power hour. if you piss them off they will take one of their rusty anchors and show it up your ass! hottest, bitchiest girls alive

random girl: whos that slut doing a keg stang
friend: probably an AST, dont be jealous just beacuse they didnt give you a bid

by Colin February 26, 2005

536👍 256👎