Source Code

John Kerry

Just another stupid Democratic tyrant that claims he'll bring change, but never states whether the change is good or bad.

John Kerry is another communist that goes against American ideals, and wipes his ass with the Constitution.

by Colin H. Christ July 11, 2008

120πŸ‘ 188πŸ‘Ž

Political Social Science

A personal thought of mine that everybody, no matter what race, or ethnicity, starts out equal. It is that individuals' choice, or fault to practice things that make them appear better, or worse in public society, thus making Politically Correctness wrong. For that people say that you should be nice to everybody for they're all equal, but those people they tell you to be nice to might of done something to lose respect that earns them some forms of chastisement.

Be nice to this Black guy.
No, he got arrested for robbing a store, so he doesn't deserve as much respect. Political Social Science, my friend.

by Colin H. Christ July 25, 2008

22πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

Awkward Checkpoint

When you are playing Call of Duty (any of them) on Veteran difficulty, and you get a checkpoint where there is somebody just about to kill you, and you have to endanger yourself to kill them, and normally die quickly.

Dude, I'm just about to finish 'Dowfall', but that guy with the Panzershrek keeps killing me. This is such an awkward checkpoint.

by Colin H. Christ June 29, 2009

7πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Nazi Jew

Somebody who accuses somebody else of being a Nazi just if they are of German ancestry.

Dude- I'm going to the German folk festival.
Nazi Jew- You are? But why?
Dude- Oh, well I'm part German, plus I love their cultures.
Nazi Jew- Nazi!

by Colin H. Christ July 21, 2008

84πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž


The best food in the world!!!

dude 1- What did you have for dinner?
dude 2- Just some potato chips and French fries.

by Colin H. Christ July 21, 2008

661πŸ‘ 339πŸ‘Ž

The Ball Effect

The timeframe when you are hit in the balls really hard, but it still takes like ten seconds to feel any major pain.

"He swung the bat right at my nuts, but I didn't feel it for a while."
"That's the Ball Effect for ya."

by Colin H. Christ August 24, 2008

13πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Music Hangover

The massive headache you receive after looking up music artists you really like on Wikipedia, YouTube, etc.

"I'm starting to really like Kingpin Skinny Pimp."
"Yeah, I got a music hangover from looking him up."

by Colin H. Christ August 25, 2008

38πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž