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Some really sweet kicks. Your dad probably owned some when he was on the school basketball team, and probably talks about how he was real hip because he owned a red pair.

Unfortunatly they now cost around 50 bucks a pop as compared to when they started they were around $10. Just about everyone owns atleast one pair of converse, originally worn by basketball players they soon became popular on the punk rock scene being worn by bands such as the ramones.

Theese are shoes that get better with age, because they still look cool worn out.

People like to say that only "emos" or "punks" can wear them, this is not true. Anyone who wants to wear them can because they are totally boss. Your not cool if you wear them and your not uncool if you dont. You wear them cause you like them.

ultimately they're just a pair or really sweet shoes that look cool.

Some kid: Hey, i like your shoes!
Hipster: Thanks man. They're converse, i like them too.

by Colleen K February 18, 2008

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